Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photography Fun

What do photographers do for fun, you ask?  At least, those of you who think our job is ALL fun, no work?  Well, I have to say that, although we do work hard, our connection to other photography pros is one of our most valued connections.  Most of us work alone or with a spouse, so having the chance to bounce ideas, sort through problems and laugh at what we all go through is a necessary part of our lives.

So Ed and I packed a book shelf onto the car (to drop off with son Anthony in Fairlee, VT) and headed down to Charlie Parker's birthday party in Quechee on Sunday.  It mostly rained all day, but Charlie's studio was perfect, full of great food and friends.

Charlie had asked us to go through some of the old photographs we had entered in competitions over the years and find those in the "WHAT WAS I THINKING???" category.  Most of us have earned or are working toward a Master of Photography degree from the Professional Photographers of America, so we've put our hearts on the line for years to have our best work evaluated and judged by the experts.  In hindsight, there were always a few bloopers in the mix, so we got a real kick out of setting up a mock judging panel and putting prints up for comment.

Charlie and Donna Goodhue were really courageous and brought their senior portfolios from the Rhode Island School of Photography.  I can't believe they save all that!  For me it was a good chance to sort through and GET RID of a lot of old competition prints I had been dragging around - why?  Memories of old triumphs and blue ribbons, I guess.

Anyway, thanks to Charlie, Meg and Adam Parker for a hilarious and heartwarming afternoon!

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