Sunday, August 29, 2010


Ed and I went to the 2nd annual Zoe's Race at Oakledge Park today.  The race, a fundraiser coordinated with the Howard Center in Burlington is named for seven-year-old Zoe, who nearly drowned when she was 18 months old. That incident left Zoe severely disabled, and her mom soon learned how expensive it is to make a house wheelchair-accessible—and how few resources there are to help.

Elizabeth and a big network of friends put together a team in honor of 7-year-old Ella Peoples-Clark.  "TEAM ELLA" grew to include many friends and a big part of the Minadeo family including Elizabeth and Chris, Anthony and Lucy and their cousins Nick, Marisa and Dominick, Aunt Elise and Grandma Elaine.  The team also designed and stenciled their beautiful tee shirts.

Anthony and Chris ran in the kids' 1K race, along with little Shai, then the whole family and TEAM ELLA ran the 5K in 85 degree heat.  Whew!

Thanks to the team's hard work and tireless fundraising, TEAM ELLA raised over $3,500!

Zoe's mom said she was “absolutely thrilled that there was incredible support and generosity from the local community. We were able to fund all the requests that were made this year. As a result of Zoe's Race, two families were able to remodel their bathrooms to make them more accessible for their children.  Another family is having a decaying ramp into their home rebuilt for their daughters who are both in wheelchairs.”  Zoe's mom said there is a great need for this type of financial help. The race money goes directly to these families. “It's a very exciting and worthwhile run to be a part of,” she said.

Everyone had a great time and it was wonderful to see the results of such a big community effort.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Brahim!

 Our Dad turned 86 today!

Born in Dallas, Texas, Dad attended SMU and joined the Navy during WWII.  He later went to work for General Electric and began the life of travel I remember so well.  We lived in Texas, where I was born, New York, New Jersey, Oklahoma, back to Texas, Pennsylvania, London, England and ended up in Vermont in 1960.  Later Dad lived in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Morocco before retiring from GE.

I'm not going to try to tell his whole life story, but I want to say this: Dad became a world citizen over the course of his life, growing past the fairly narrow, conservative views he grew up with and embracing the universality of the human condition.

Dad was raised a Southern Baptist, spent his young adult life as a Unitarian and converted to Islam in his 60's.  I am pretty sure he would agree with this statement by Thomas Jefferson: "He who steadily observes the moral precepts in which all religions concur, will never be questioned at the gates of heaven as to the dogmas in which they all differ."

As I learn from discussions with my sister Barbara, we all have different memories of growing up.  I know my brothers Richard, Peter, Robbie and sisters, Barbara, Sarae and Miriam are thinking of Dad today.  We are well-traveled, intellectually curious, socially involved people because of our mothers Connie and Najia, and our father Fred and all they gave us.

(P.S. - after Barbara read this post she said, "No wonder we are all good looking".)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bye, Bye, Bobbin!

We said goodbye to little Bobbin, so sad!  Anthony brought 4, yes, FOUR kittens to the house the first week of July.  They were to go to his friends who just bought a farm, but, with one thing and another, couldn't be delivered to them for a couple of weeks.  Oh, yes, he also brought Fang, the cat he and Megan adopted a couple of years ago, then he headed off to an Irish music festival in the Catskills for a week.

So, we were overrun with cats for about, three weeks, then he took one down to my mother who had recently lost her cat and decided to keep a little tail-less calico he named "Bobbin".  Megan was great, keeping the kitties fed and tidy.  Our cats Phoebe and Lewis were dismayed, but it all worked out in the end.  Bobbin and Fang ended up being here for five weeks!  Little Bobbin was a great hit with Anthony and Lucy and the subject of a lot of artwork.  It was hard to see her go.  We do NOT need another cat, but...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Anthony!

Wow!  It's hard to believe Anthony is 29 years old today.  How can my youngest child be nearly 30???  I know I'm not that old.  I'm not going to brag about him here because he'll have a fit, BUT he's my fabulous boy. XOXOXO

Saturday, August 14, 2010

They're Off!

 We said goodbye to Aunt Claire and Uncle Jim this week.  After 12 years in Vermont, they are pulling up stakes and moving to Santa Rosa, California with their dog Mandy to be closer to children, grandchildren and first great-grandchild.

Claire is my mother's identical twin and our families have always been close.  We're shared many happy holidays and dinners and vacations over the years.  At 84 and 87, Claire and Jim are making one more big move in their life of travels - we'll miss them, miss the card games, delicious pies and family stories. Thanks for everything - have a safe trip and a happy retirement (if you can slow down, which I doubt!).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Donna!

 Ed and I traveled down to beautiful Chittenden, Vermont where our friend Donna was celebrating her 40th birthday at the Mountain Top Inn.  I can't believe it!  Donna was 16 when we met, working for Jay Kennedy in Morrisville where she grew up.

Within a few short years Donna, a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Photography, opened her own studio in Rutland and was off and running.  She's an inspiration to me and many others, exhibiting the highest professionalism and customer service, volunteering in her community and serving as President of the Vermont Professional Photographers (twice!) and as President of the Professional Photographers of New England.

Donna embraced digital photography eagerly and I have learned so much from her about the latest technology (not that I remember it all, not having her steel-trap of a mind).  She's a very creative thinker and a blast to be around.

Many friends and family attended this party, coming from all over.  We all missed our friend Nancy who is recovering from emergency surgery - nothing else could have kept her away.  Eric designed the fabulous wine labels, Jen baked the cupcakes, Brad, Courtney and Mary helped with the details.  Mary came from Chicago at is a Pro Market Rep for Canon USA.  We played with my G11 and took some self portraits with the timer.  Fun, fun, fun!

I know you'll find lots more photos on Donna and Brad's blog.  Happy birthday, girlfriend!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who Wants A Walk?

We took the dogs for a walk at Geprags Park in Hinesburg where they could run around and explore.  The park was donated by a farmer a few years ago and is some open fields and higher meadows.  Arlo and Rufus just love it and it's a nice walk for us.  Mostly we just see the dogs from behind as they burrow into grass, bushes, reeds, etc.  When we're ready to go they are bushed, but smiling.

Friday was GORGEOUS!  Cool and breezy, very refreshing after our record heat in July.  My mother always said she didn't mind August because, while it could be hot, there were whiffs of autumn in the air.  My sentiments, too, although Ed wants a disclaimer.  He's fine with heat and hates the cold and snow.  That said, we had a lovely afternoon!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What a way to start the day

 Wow.  So now if anyone asks me what I'd like to do on a Sunday morning, I'll have a good answer.

I went kayaking on Otter Creek in Vergennes pretty early, about 8:00 am, while Ed and his friend Ernie Blow fished.  They stayed near the dam where we put in and I just paddled and floated downstream in the cool, beautiful air.  Had a nice talk with my sister in New Orleans, listened to NPR on the iPod - technology-assisted relaxation.  We were out about an hour and a half, then had a fabulous breakfast at The 3 Squares Cafe in Vergennes - yummy omelet with maple sausage, portabellos, leeks and brie.  Plus today is our 10th wedding anniversary.  Who knew this would work out?  Just kidding.

I think I'm hooked!  While the weather stays nice, this is what I want to be doing on Sundays.  Wish my sister Barbara was here.

The 3 Squares Cafe, Vergennes, VT - delicious breakfasts!