Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Party

Ed and I hosted the Vermont Professional Photographers Association holiday party on Sunday. Well, we cleaned the house...but everybody pitched in to make it a great time and very easy on us. Special thanks to Janet and Marcos who kept things organized and moving right along!
Photographers are busy, stressed and TIRED by December 14, so we were very happy to have a great turnout.
Our fun annual gift exchange was a blast and we all had a chance to decompress and catch up with friends. Everybody brought food and it was delicious. Ed and I are on a diet, but...
Our friend Al came the farthest - from Florida, no less. He got a taste of Vermont winter, arriving during Thursday's ice storm!
Thanks to everyone who came to party and any VPPers who missed it - well, we hope you'll be here next year!


Carolyn B said...

Ho Gillian and Ed
What fun to see a movie with comments showing all the fun we had at your party. I love it. I have watched it three times. How on earth did you put this together and on your blog! Carolyn

imk8 said...

Hey you guys! It looks like you all had a great time as usual. Sorry we missed it (again). We really need to get back in the swing of things. I miss you guys!
Happiest of Holidays to you and your family.
Kate (woof-woof)Stevens

Donna and Brad said...

Gillian and Ed,
Thank you again for the hospitality! It was a great time. Al made it home safe back to Florida. It really worked out well ditching him with you guys, LOL!! HAPPY HAPPY holidays!
Donna, Brad and Lola!!

Terry said...

Looks like everyone had a great time, sorry I couldn't make it, my son's concert went longer than I thought it would. It was fun to watch your show. Happy Holidays, Terry Norris

stina said...

I'm sorry I didn't end up making it down! The madness of the holidays got to me, but it looks like you guys had a great time! See you at the next meeting! Stina Plant