Sunday, December 7, 2008

Road trip

Se drove down to Pennsylvania to spend Thanksgiving with Megan's parents Sue and Kent. You remember - Megan is Anthony's lovely and talented girlfriend who's in grad school at the U of Pennsylvania. Sue, Kent and Kent's sister Donna who was visiting from Houston were wonderful hosts - we ate, drank, played Liverpool, watched movies...
Anyway we had a lovely time visiting and on Thursday had a blow out meal. Kent, Sue and Donna made their families' traditional dishes - we had sausage stuffing, oyster stuffing and potato stuffing along with the turkey, veggies, desserts, etc. To say the least, we were STUFFED!
On Friday I went downtown with A & M to see the Constitution Center. Megan had to study, but Anthony and I strolled around. He went to the Mint (they wouldn't let me in because I had a camera - but they didn't ask about cell phones with cameras - go figure!) and I went over to Ben Franklin's grave across the street to wait. The little cemetery is beautiful and I was so impressed by how many people came by to look at the grave - it's very plain, but I'm sure I saw 200 people stopping and taking pictures in the half hour I was there.
We looked at the Liberty Bell, then it was getting dark - Megan's mom was right - we should have gone earlier! But we walked to Chinatown where we had fabulous and cheap dim sum. All in all, a great road trip.

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