Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Erin Go Bragh

Winter is not ready to leave us yet.  I was not expecting much, as the last few big coastal storms that were predicted to bury us, fell flat with only a few inches each time.  The jury is still out on this one.  We had about 4 inches overnight, but it has been snowing most of the day, so...maybe.

My sister Barbara, who would have loved to see some real snow (as she is currently in Durham, NC where snow is rare), but, alas, she left this morning after a short snowy ride to the airport.

The neighbors-we-don't-want-to-ever-lose came over later in the morning to shovel our porch and walkway.  Jon and Wolfie, who had the day off from school (so I guess it really will keep snowing) are a great team and like to do outdoor chores together.  Thank you!


Barbara and I joined our brother Rob and Sarah for dinner and an Irish music evening on Saturday.  We ate at Ri` Ra on Church Street where they were out of Irish Stew!  Oh, well, they had Guinness stout and the food was fine.

I decided on Irish breakfast: eggs, toast a rasher and three kinds of sausage. No wonder I look like I do!

Extra aerobics this week, I guess.

Next we went over to Burlington City Arts for the Irish Music Showcase, part of the week long Burlington Irish Heritage Festival.  As you probably know, my son Anthony is an Uilleann piper.  He's pretty booked up around St. Patrick's Day and we don't always get to see (or hear) him in the flesh, so this event was a treat.

The musicians comingled pretty fluidly for various sets.  Pictured with Anthony here are Ruarri Serpa, fiddle and Jim Curtin, flute.  Wow - pipes, flutes, whistles, fiddles, harps and lots of step dancing made for a lively evening.

Anthony rushed back to New Hampshire later for more musical events on Sunday but it was wonderful to connect briefly!

Plus, it seems the leprechauns came to my grandchildren's house Sunday night and played some very naughty tricks!

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