Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The wedding of the decade...

Or any decade!  Our great friends Donna and Brad GoodHale got married at the beautiful Batcheller Mansion Inn in Saratoga, NY on June 10.  Donna is the best known photographer in Rutland, VT and Brad works for the Rutland Police Dept.  I the photo above are all their photographer friends and their families.  A who's who of some of out best friends from every New England state and as far away as Illinois.

There are 20 professional photographers in this image taken by Charlie Parker of Quechee, VT, who later added himself to the group.  Can you guess where he is?

It was a wonderful celebration.  We've known Donna since she was a 16 year old photographer, rarin' to go AND she was "never going to get married".  She met her Superhero, though and, well...  Two of her attendants, Lola and Lexie stole the show.

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