Saturday, February 19, 2011

I need a new photo

I need a new photo!

I was digging around today, looking for a Facebook photo update and I don't have anything REALLY current that I like.  I know, I know, I get photographed all the time, but I'm not always ready.  Do you know the feeling?

Luckily, I will be attending NEIPP (New England Institute of Professional Photography) in April and plan to enlist anyone and everyone to take my picture!

I will reciprocate, of course.  My friend Melvin especially needs a fun, new head shot - I'm coming for you, Melvin!

NEIPP is such a great experience and gets everybody's creative juices flowing.  You never know about Cap Cod in April, but it has to be closer to Spring there than here, right?

Besides, Ed will be coming back from his California adventures and plans to join me in Hyannis.  YAY!

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