Friday, February 25, 2011

A visit from Diane

We've had a lovely visit from Diane Randall, Elizabeth's Ex-Mother (as she called her when she was six).

We've known each other since 1979 (!) and, for the historical record, we were both married to Elizabeth's father Thom, though not at the same time!

We've shared fun and assorted holidays over the years with each other and with the other kids who came along - Matt, Anthony, Grace and William.  Now we have grandkids Anthony and Lucy to share, as well.

It's school vacation week and we've spent a lot of time with Liz and the kiddos.  They were so excited we were going to their house and got all fancied up - note the sparkly headband and tie.  We had a lovely tea party in Lucy's room, played games, danced around.  It got pretty wild as you can see.

Later Diane and I had dinner with my homeys (the Peeps) at our regular Thursday night laugh-fest - great food and, yes, lots of laughing.  This morning we mushed through the snowstorm to a water aerobics class at The Edge, then soaked in the hot tub.  That's what vacations are for, right?  This afternoon?  Popcorn and a movie or two.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I need a new photo

I need a new photo!

I was digging around today, looking for a Facebook photo update and I don't have anything REALLY current that I like.  I know, I know, I get photographed all the time, but I'm not always ready.  Do you know the feeling?

Luckily, I will be attending NEIPP (New England Institute of Professional Photography) in April and plan to enlist anyone and everyone to take my picture!

I will reciprocate, of course.  My friend Melvin especially needs a fun, new head shot - I'm coming for you, Melvin!

NEIPP is such a great experience and gets everybody's creative juices flowing.  You never know about Cap Cod in April, but it has to be closer to Spring there than here, right?

Besides, Ed will be coming back from his California adventures and plans to join me in Hyannis.  YAY!

Monday, February 7, 2011

No snow fatigue here!

I don't have much to report, except S-N-O-W!

The dogs are just as happy as they can be, reveling in the snow, burying themselves, rolling around in it, etc.

I'm not sure what we'll do if we get much more, since the driveway is surrounded by 5 - 6  foot barricades of the stuff.

The shoveling hasn't been bad until the last snow which was wet and heavy, but I am NOT complaining!

Soon enough it will be hot and sticky with mosquitoes, right?