Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This is why we live here!

Thank you, Robin, for hosting a wonderful New Years party on Sunday.  The weather forecast was bad and, yes, cars and SUVs were sliding off the Interstate, but it turned out to be such a glorious day for a walk in the snow with friends and a champagne toast on the hill behind Robin's farmhouse.

Robin and Patricia and I have known each other for many years - in fact, Patricia (she was Patty Jo then) and Ed and I went to high school together.  We all turned out to be photographers of one sort or another, so we had a blast joining the Vermont Professional Photographers Association for the annual holiday party.

A few other intrepid souls braved the weather - Diane, Kelly, Ian and Amalia - so it was a small but cozy and fun-filled afternoon.  Robin's 200 year old house has a big fireplace in the kitchen where we gathered after the champagne for great food and laughter.

Arlo and Rufus got to wear themselves out playing with new friends Maple and Jack.  For some of Kelly and Ian's great images from the day (including Diane's amazing jumping bean dog Riley) check out page 2 of Kelly's site.

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