Sunday, September 19, 2010

Another Gorgeous Day In Vermont

 Are you sick of my posts about kayaking yet?  Well, I can't help myself!  Who knew how much fun it would be?

I never liked canoeing with all that effort, uncomfortable seats, backaches, etc. - ugh.  And if you know me you know how much I hate to roast in the sun...  So kayaking seems to be the answer.  Moderate exercise, I can go alone at MY time of day (the coolest and shadiest possible) and, now that autumn seems to be here, whoo-hoo!

So I was thrilled when my (young) old friend Lisa said she'd join me on the Waterbury Reservoir Saturday.  I'd never been there and the views were just spectacular.  We had a blast paddling and chatting, taking pictures and catching up with each other's lives.  Yes, we invited Ed, but he had a project going and didn't want to stop.

Lisa is a wonderful photographer - we worked together years ago and, who knows?  Maybe we'll find another project together one day.

Since we're so civilized, we went out to eat after our time on the lake.  The food and service were great at The Reservoir in Waterbury.  Margaritas, nachos and sweet potato fries - perfect!

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