Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6 ~ Charleston

First day in Charleston.  Mrs. B and I stayed up talking til 1:30 AM, so the morning was leisurely.  Some background.  Pat Bigham and I worked together in Albuquerque in 1969 and 1970 at the JC Penney Portrait Studio.  We became life friends.  She's funny, thoughtful, insightful and generally a peach.  The opportunity to meet in Charleston was too good to pass up.

Does your computer spazz out every time you have an important deadline or go on a trip?  Mine do!  So I found myself at the Apple Store downtown this morning consulting with The Geniuses.  Mind you, Vermont does not even have an Apple Store (or a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Target, on and on), so I felt I was ahead of the game.  After a lot of time and angst with The Geniuses, we asked for a recommendation for a place to eat breakfast and ended up at a diner that shall remain nameless.  Oops, I put the sign in the photo - oh, well.

The place was jammed the whole time we were there which we took as a good sign, initially.  And therre was a big pile of bacon in plain sight by the grill.  What could go wrong?  When the home made biscuits were served with Country Crock margarine, we began to doubt.  We asked for butter and got a whole stick, delivered in a plastic butter-sized box.  While the waitress was pleasant, if harried,  the food was nondescript, even the bacon!  Mrs. B remarked with a big smile that she thought she'd had "the worst breakfast of my entire life".  Nothing is dampening our spirits, though.

Except maybe the weather.  It was nippy enough today to send us to buy jackets at the grocery store!  And just think, yesterday I was congratulating myself about hitting the cool weather lottery.

We had really lovely, relaxing massages in the afternoon and feel like we're really on vacation.  You know how I love to snap pictures of food, so here's dinner at the Mustard Seed:

All just fabulous.  BEK, I wish you were here.  House and Garden tours tomorrow.

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