Sunday, September 2, 2012

Emily Goes to the Fair

It has been years since I went to the Champlain Valley Fair, but Emily was visiting yesterday and somehow, it seemed like a good idea.

Ed declined to go with us (can you imagine that?) so Emmy and I headed out on a beautiful sunny Saturday.  A high of 74° was predicted, so I felt like I could take it!  Any hotter and we'd have been watching movies all day.

Well, I think the only way to enjoy the fair is with a little kid.  Emmy was so excited and we had a great time picking out rides.  We avoided the Ferris wheel, alas, since she told me it "made her throw up", but went on a number of others  And I, who always LOVED roller coasters, have determined that carnival rides are also for little kids.

We found rides, ate lunch, watched jugglers and acrobats, petted farm animals and got hot and sweaty.  I went to the fair with my son Anthony, now 31, when he was little and then my brother Uncle Pete started taking him.  We had a succession of goldfish, most notable Hoppy and Patrick.  Hoppy committed suicide by leaping out of his bowl when no one was around.  That was a hard day!

Back to 2012.  Our final treat was, can you guess?  ICE CREAM!  Emily is the world's biggest ice cream lover and here are some photos to prove it.

Blog followers may remember this other ice cream session from 2008 when Emmy was two.  She would eat it all day long, if allowed, I'm sure.  Well, what is summer for, after all?