Saturday, June 16, 2012

Biking on the waterfront

You've heard me rave about the gorgeous Burlington, Vermont waterfront and here I go again.  We have had the nicest weather in June.  A few big storms, some rain, of course, but also unusually cool days.  You know me, there's a reason I live in the North.  Yesterday was just about perfect.  Low 70°s, sunny with a breeze, so we decided to go bike riding with Anthony.  Grandpa Ed usually works on Friday so it was a rare treat.

Anthony is seven and interested in everything.  The docks, the ferries, the water, how far we thought he could swim, etc., etc.  After a ride and a snack at one of the beautiful shady spots, we biked past one of his all-time favorite haunts, the ECHO Lake Champlain Science Center.

It had been a few years since Ed was there so Anthony showed him all the cool stuff, lake sturgeons, eels, freshwater drums, turtles galore, whale fossils, frogs and the sea critters tank: sea stars, hermit and horse shoe crabs, urchins and what-not.  Lake Champlain was once part of the ocean, so there are lots of marine fossils around.

We had a blast.  Alas, Anthony broke his wrist later in the afternoon (we had nothing to do with it, I promise) so bike riding will be curtailed for a bit.  But I know our family pass to ECHO is going to get used a lot this summer.