Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Anthony!

It's hard to believe that Gillian's son Anthony is 27 years old! How did that ever happen???
He came by on his birthday and we had blueberry pie. We're more pie-people than cake-people, I guess.
Anthony teaches introductory courses in CNC machining in Hanover, NH for Vermont HITEC.
He lives in Fairlee, VT and his beautiful girlfriend Megan attends graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Visit from Emmy

Ed's granddaughter Emily came for a visit recently and we had the best time! She traveled from California with her mom Rachel and sister Keely to see friends and family in Vermont. Emmy, 2 and Keely, 12, are very close as you can see from the photo.
Emmy goes 100 mph ALL the time and his a happy, playful, curious little girl. She has a great sense of humor, tickling 'Bumps' (Ed) and Arlo with Gillian's famous tickle feather and generally enjoys herself. She also LOVES ice cream - see video clip below.